I’m developing a dangerous addiction

…For my Pokemon Silver game |: . It’s all fun and games until I start playing WHILE I’m on the pc. So I’m editing and playing and chatting, which would explain why I can’t get much done.

And as if distraction wasn’t enough, I’m kind of sick and I’ve been getting headaches and feeling tired. I sleep too much to be tired. No, okay, I know if I sleep too much I’ll wake up tired, but it annoys me! It’s too cold to get up in the morning damn it.

But well, I’m working on some stuff now. I hope they’ll be up on the 12th as they should, or else I’ll go bersek on myself.


Phantom~Requiem for the Phantom~

Phantom~Requiem for the Phantom~, is an action, assassin related anime, based off a visual novel. As such, there are several endings, each relating to a different female character – according to what I was told.

It was and interesting anime overall, and I was addicted to it. The openings and endings were out-of-this-world-awesome. But some of the songs creeped me out! But I grew to like them, in certain ways.

Clean, appelative graphics, check ; interesting characters, check; plot development, check;  some kind of love between the main characters, check; missunderstanding causes rage, check; worst epiloge ever, CHECK. I thought my friend was overreacting, but such an ending for such a great anime was simply disappointing! Besides being vague, like you literally can’t know what happened there, it’s an anime-only ending. And it went terrebly wrong. If they had left that part out, this anime would’ve been 10/10.

The character that more grew into me was Cal, even after the 2-years time skip, I still liked her, until the last moment. What happened to her was kinda predictable, but still very well made and touching. And the character that disgusted me the most was Scythe Master! I swear everytime I saw him I’d just freak out. I admit he was a well made character, so well made I felt like killing him through the entire anime!

I don’t have much more to add about the anime. But I’m kind of addicted to this genre now. Assassins and all of that are simply epic!
